
Original Concept by Craig Pezet and modified by Trevor Halliday with Alex Dudfield and Craig Pezet.

The use of this skill requires at all times mediation with the Referee Team, for the making of them, the setting of them, the effects of them and the recovery of them when possible, and finally any consequences of using them.

Prerequisite: Trade: Trapper.

- Non-Lethal Traps are used for snaring and capturing, nominally used by Hunters and Foragers in the wilds, or for catching Criminals.
- Lethal Traps are used for killing, either creatures in the wild, pests or trespassers in places where guests are very clearly not welcome.

Custom Traps: Add+1 to the Trap Level for means of Detecting and Disarming.
Master-Crafted Traps: Provide one ‘No Effect’ versus ‘Mundane’ Dodges used against the Trap.
Custom Master-Crafted Traps: Combine both bonuses.

Traps require:
- 1: Concept: Defined by Characters Trade Level.
- 2: Construction: Defined by Trade Level, Materials and the Time required building the trap.
- 3: Placement & Deception: Defined by Deception, Forage or Stealth Level.
- 4: Trigger: Prerequisite for how the Trap activates.
- 5: Effects: Damage, Intelligence or Restrictions of the Trap once activated.
- 6: Maintenance: How the Trap may be repaired,rearmed or replaced/ moved.

Note: Careless Trapping:A Trapper should always be mindful of where they are setting their traps.Setting traps in places where innocent people could blunder into them and set them off could result in incurring Void Points. A careful and considerate trapper may post warning that an area is trapped.

Sample Traps:

1: The Simple Snare (Level One Trap) for capturing small animals, using rope or string it ensnares a small animal by constricting, once triggered around the body of the animal to the point of death – larger animals are very hard to capture in this fashion and intelligent creatures can easily escape the snare.

2: Caltrops (Level One Trap) made from varying metals, these small sharp objects are scattered over an area, and cause agitation and light damage when stood on, once detected they are easily avoided.

3: Tripwire (Level Two Trap) placement and the attached effect can create various issues for the target who stumbles upon the tripwire (just having a tripwire to make someone fall over is a Level One Trap) but once triggered can set off a basic form of Effect, Lethal or Non-Lethal according to additional designs and concepts.

4: Pit Trap (Level Two Trap) placement and concealment make the trap far more effective (dependent on Trap Design and Effect), and unless using Enchanted means, requires a lot of Mundane effort to create.

5: Bear Trap (Level Three Trap) is a simple mechanism, forged from metals and capable of reuse, effects are severe against any who are caught in the Bear Trap, but it is effective against most animals.

6: Pressure Plate (Level Three Trap) is a simple mechanism, nominally made using metals or heavy materials using concepts of balance and counter-balance – they are used more often than not as triggers, but they can also be the main part of a trap.

This is not finite or finished, and offers (hopefully) a lot of scope for invention and creation.

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